Publications and Presentations


Chapter in American Educational Research Association (AERA) Research Volume, Edited by 

Amy Stuart Wells, Detra Price-Dennis, and Dianne Delima, Volume Title: Reconceptualizing “Diversity” for Socially Just Education: Research Themes from Early Childhood to Higher Education (Forthcoming)

The Hidden Burden of Racialized ‘Diversity-Labor’: Conceptualizing The Cost of The ‘Diversity Must Benefit All’ Ideology to Black Students (under review).

‘Trauma-Informed or Trauma-Infused?’: The Intersections of Dark Tourism and Race,” co-authored paper with Dr. Kayla Johnson (under review).

Racial Incorporation: A Historical and Analytical Tool To Measure Inclusion of Black Individuals Into Mainstream American Society,” invited submission under review at the Journal of Social Science History.

Made to Deal With Diversity: A Typology of Black Student Responses to Challenges to Identity         Resulting From Diversity-Work (in preparation).

Bringing Legal Consciousness to the Myth of Rights: The Case of Diversity-Work (in preparation).


"Navigating Race-Neutrality: Ethnographic Insights from An Arts-Based Diversity Scholarship Program and the Framing of Diversity in Higher Education," American Sociological Association Virtual Conference (invited session), January 2025.

"The Burden of Diversity-Work," American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (invited panel), April 14, 2023.

"Diversity-Work: Who Does the Work and Who Benefits?" University of Wisconsin-Madison. Sociology Department presentation April 8, 2020.

"Legal Consciousness and Racial Consciousness: A Case Study." Social Science History Association Conference. November 9, 2018.

"Diversity-Work: An Emerging Theory." American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Roundtable. August 13, 2017.

"The New Affirmative Action: Students of Color and the Burden of Diversity-Work." Association of Black Sociologists Conference. October 7, 2016.

“Without Regard To Race...”: The Establishment of Affirmative Action Programs in Higher Education. University of Wisconsin Madison. Social Psychology and Microsociology Brownbag. May 8, 2015.

"The New Affirmative Action: Students of Color and the Burden of Diversity-Work" Yale Ethnography Conference, April 12 2014. 

“Socioeconomics at Yale: From First Generation to Legacies”. Invited speaker and discussant at African American Cultural Center at Yale 40th Anniversary Conference. Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. October 17, 2009

“The Low Income Student Experience At An Elite University: Discredited or Discreditable Stigma?” Yale University. Mellon Mays and Edward A Bouchet Undergraduate Fellowship Program Research Conference. April 29, 2009.