Dr. Amy E. Jones Haug
Amy E. Jones Haug has joined Berea College as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology and Berea's Scholar-In-Residence. Jones Haug, a sociologist, draws on ethnographic and survey methodologies to understand the role of the diversity ideology in the lived experience of students.
More specifically, she investigates how the shift from affirmative action to diversity in higher education spaces has created the burden of what she calls “diversity-work” from African American students and other students of color, from White individuals, and even from those students who do not self-identify as activists.
Her current research projects explore what she terms “racial incorporation:” how African Americans have gained access to the majority society over time. She is also working on a project involving collecting biometric data on the health consequences on individuals demanded to do diversity-work.
Jones Haug earned her Ph.D. from the Department of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She previously completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Columbia Teachers College. She is a Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Research Scholar as well as a former Edward Bouchet Research Fellow at Yale University.
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